Enforcing respect for data, privacy & consumer rights | 2021-2024

Tag: gdpr

Sentencing Council revises data practices after complaint

Public bodies often run public consultations on proposals for policy changes – but is it appropriate to publish a list of individual respondents’ names by default? And how does the Right to Object apply to processing based on the public task basis? I discuss this in this case study of my data protection complaint to the Sentencing Council, which constructively took action to resolve my concerns. Photo ID demands and unnecessary cookies also make an appearance – again.

Erasure Requests: Do Controllers Always Delete What They Should?

Under Article 17 of the GDPR, you have the right to have most of your personal data deleted. Data controllers must usually comply with your erasure request within one month. But what data can companies typically keep about you after your request – what about invoices, for example? And what can you do if they don’t comply with your request? I discuss the civil court remedies that were available to me when I found out that a company stealthily kept my sensitive personal data, even though I’d asked for it to be deleted months earlier.

Taking the biscuit: websites breaking the cookie rules

Most websites you visit nowadays will have you believe they ‘value your privacy’ while presenting you with an annoying popup, containing a wall of small text with a big, green ‘accept all cookies’ button. Contrary to what they want you to believe, such websites take the biscuit with your privacy and break the law en masse. But with the UK Government consulting on reforms and an important Supreme Court judgment in Lloyd v Google, the question is: for how much longer will this be tolerated?

Taken to court: webshops refusing to act on my GDPR requests

I sent two IT webshop companies an erasure request. I also informed them of a security vulnerability in the way they processed my invoices and I objected to them processing my invoice data in this way. The companies repeatedly refused to act on my GDPR requests and they failed to acknowledge the vulnerability. So I took them both to court.

Falling foul of the rules on direct marketing emails could be a costly mistake

Organisations must comply with strict rules if they want to send electronic direct marketing mail to people. Many organisations send out legitimate ‘service’ emails, but some choose to add advertising, marketing or promotional material to their supposed ‘service’ emails in an attempt to circumvent the direct marketing rules. Of course, it doesn’t quite work like that and mistakes can be costly

GDPR Subject Requests and Photo ID: why routinely asking for photo ID is a mistake

I sent a UK company a GDPR erasure request, but they demanded that I email them a copy of my driving licence before actioning my request. Here’s what happened when I challenged their intrusive, unsecure and likely unlawful demand…

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